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Arthur Grillo GmbH

Arthur Grillo GmbH

Company information:

Our dream!

Wherever climatic parameters play a role, we would like to have our say.

What we do!

Our passion for measuring, controlling and recording your climatic parameters is reflected in our products. With this passion we support you worldwide in creating your optimal working conditions.

We keep going!

Our company has existed for over 100 years. We design our products with the same expectations. Robustness, precision and a high life expectancy have all our products in common.

Growth through cooperation

Our strong customer loyalty allows us to develop products that are specially tailored to individual customer needs. In individual or series production, products are created at the highest level in line with requirements and the market.

Sustainability is a well-used opportunity

Sustainability has always been part of the corporate philosophy and is not only described, but also lived. Happy employees are, like a well-oiled machine, the driving force for an economically operating company. The topic of sustainability also flows into our products. The use of different products can help to save considerable energy. In this way you help our customers to generate economic ecological advantages.